Former Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni, who rose to fame in the 1990s with films like Karan Arjun and Baazi, is set to take on a spiritual role at the ongoing Mahakumbh festival in Prayagraj. Kulkarni, who has been away from the public eye for several years, is preparing to become the Mahamandleshwar (spiritual head) of the Kinnar Akhara, a monastic order of transgender sadhus.
The formal induction of Kulkarni into the Kinnar Akhara is currently underway. Acharya Mahamandleshwar Laxmi Narayan of the Akhara confirmed the news and shared that they are carrying out the rituals marking her initiation. As part of the spiritual process, they have given Kulkarni the name Yamai Mamta Nandgiri.
In an interview, Acharya Narayan revealed that Kulkarni has been in communication with the Kinnar Akhara for the past year and a half. “She has been in touch with me and the Akhada for a long time. He said, “We do not prohibit anyone from performing their art, and we allow her to take on any devotional character she desires.”
Kulkarni was also seen at the Mahakumbh performing her Pind Daan ritual at the Sangam Ghat in Prayagraj. Speaking to reporters, she attributed her actions to divine will, saying, “This was the order of Mahadev, Maha Kaali. This was the order of my Guru. They chose this day. I didn’t do anything.”
Visuals from the Mahakumbh showed the former actress in saffron attire, in keeping with the traditional dress of those partaking in the religious gathering. The Kinnar Akhada has set up its camp in Sector 16 of the tent city at Mahakumbh-2025, where it continues to play a significant role in the event’s spiritual activities.
Mamta Kulkarni, who has been out of the limelight for several years, made her return to Mumbai just last month. Her career in Bollywood included several notable films in the 1990s, where she shared screen space with big stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Aamir Khan. She gained widespread recognition for her roles in Baazi, Karan Arjun, and Hate Story.
The media previously linked Kulkarni to a ₹2,000 crore drugs case. However, last year, the Bombay High Court quashed the criminal proceedings against her, citing a lack of evidence.
Now, as she prepares to assume a major spiritual role within the Kinnar Akhara, Mamta Kulkarni’s return to the public eye marks a significant chapter in both her life and the religious community she is now a part of.
Her journey from Bollywood stardom to spiritual leadership within the Mahakumbh reflects an intriguing shift and highlights the broader trend of personal reinvention.