Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has expressed his government’s unwavering support for the victim in the Anna University sexual assault case, dismissing opposition attempts to politicize the issue. During the winter session of the Tamil Nadu Assembly, Stalin emphasized that the government’s primary focus is to assist the victim and ensure justice is served.
Stalin praised the swift actions taken by law enforcement, including the prompt arrest of the accused. Addressing the assembly, he stated, “While members have mentioned the name of the university, I won’t name it, as it has contributed significantly to society. I want to avoid tarnishing its reputation. The assault on a student in Chennai is unforgivable. While most legislators have shown genuine concern, one member’s remarks were aimed solely at defaming this government.”
Referring to the opposition’s demands for the identity of the accused, Stalin challenged them to provide any evidence they had to the Special Investigation Team (SIT) handling the case. He also criticized the opposition for attempting to gain political mileage from a serious incident, urging them to refrain from “cheap activities.”
The Chief Minister asserted his government’s firm stance against crimes targeting women and rejected claims that such incidents indicate widespread insecurity. He stated, “This narrative will not resonate with the public.”
The incident, which occurred in December, involves a second-year student at Anna University who reported being sexually assaulted on campus while conversing with a friend. The accused has been arrested following the victim’s complaint.
Meanwhile, AIADMK MLAs have continued their protest in the assembly for the third consecutive day, wearing black shirts to highlight the issue. Opposition parties have criticized the DMK government for its slow response to the case, leading to dramatic scenes during the assembly’s first day of the winter session.