In a disturbing incident on January 28, 2025, passengers heading for the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, resorted to stone-throwing at trains in Madhya Pradesh after facing difficulties in boarding the packed wagons. The incidents occurred at Chhatarpur and Harpalpur railway stations, where the doors of the trains were reportedly closed when passengers attempted to board.
What Led to the Vandalism?
According to eyewitnesses, the Prayagraj-bound trains were overcrowded due to the rush of devotees traveling for the Mauni Amavasya ‘amrit snan’ scheduled for January 29, 2025. RK Singh, a passenger from Chhatarpur, recounted his frustration, stating that he couldn’t board the train as the doors and windows were shut. As the situation escalated, some passengers became agitated and began throwing stones at the trains, with videos of the incident circulating on social media. The clips showed individuals shouting and throwing stones at the train doors in an attempt to force them open.
Authorities Respond
Following the disturbances, Railway authorities took swift action. Government Railway Police (GRP) personnel at Chhatarpur eventually opened the train doors, but many passengers were still unable to board due to the overcrowding. Manoj Kumar Singh, the Public Relations Officer for the Jhansi Railway Division, acknowledged the issue and assured that stricter security measures would be implemented at the affected stations. He confirmed that special trains were being run to accommodate the growing number of passengers traveling to Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh.
Steps to Prevent Future Incidents
To avoid such incidents in the future, authorities have pledged to coordinate closely with local administrations for tighter security arrangements. Singh emphasized that trains to Prayagraj were being run continuously, with special trains arranged based on demand. Passengers were urged to cooperate to ensure smooth travel during the ongoing festival period.
The authorities are hopeful that the heightened security will help in managing the large crowds expected at the Maha Kumbh, ensuring no further disruptions at railway stations.