Mumbai, January 23, 2025 – The Mumbai Crime Branch has apprehended notorious gangster Ravi Mallesh Borra, alias DK Rao, along with six associates, for allegedly attempting to extort ₹2.5 crore from a hotelier in the Bandra area.
The 50-year-old hotelier filed a complaint stating that Rao and his accomplices conspired to seize his establishment, demanded ₹2.5 crore, and issued death threats. He also reported ongoing harassment by Rao’s gang over the past two years.
Following the complaint, the Bandra police registered a case on Wednesday, which was subsequently transferred to the anti-extortion cell of the Mumbai Crime Branch. All seven accused were arrested late Wednesday night.
Rao, a known associate of gangster Chhota Rajan, has multiple criminal cases against him, including previous extortion charges.
The accused have been booked under relevant sections of the law, and further investigations are underway.
Source: Web Team, C6N