Amid worsening air quality in Mumbai, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has enforced GRAP-4 (Graded Response Action Plan) restrictions, halting construction activities in areas with an Air Quality Index (AQI) above 200. This move comes as the city’s pollution levels intensify, pushing air quality into the “severe” category.
The BMC’s decision mandates an immediate suspension of all construction works—both public and private—in regions where the AQI exceeds 200. Currently, areas like Borivali East and Byculla, which have consistently recorded high AQI levels, are subject to this restriction.
BMC commissioner Bhushan Gagrani confirmed that construction work in these areas would cease immediately, with no prior notice to developers. The measure is part of the BMC’s proactive approach to mitigate the effects of air pollution, especially during the winter season when air quality tends to worsen.
Additionally, the BMC has announced that no new trenching permits will be granted until air quality improves. Developers who continue with construction despite the orders will face penalties under Section 52 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning (MRTP) Act.
What is GRAP-4? GRAP-4 restrictions are part of a larger effort to control air pollution, especially when AQI levels reach severe levels. These guidelines, developed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), include a complete ban on construction activities to reduce dust and particulate matter in the air.
The AQI is categorized as follows:
- 0-50: Good
- 51-100: Satisfactory
- 101-200: Moderate
- 201-300: Poor
- 301-400: Very Poor
- Above 400: Severe
With air quality in Mumbai reaching hazardous levels, the city has implemented these curbs to protect residents from the harmful effects of pollution, a move that follows similar actions taken in Delhi earlier this month.