New Delhi: Netflix has just released the official trailer for the much-anticipated series Black Warrant, helmed by acclaimed filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane. The upcoming prison drama is a dramatized adaptation of the book Black Warrant: Confessions of a Tihar Jailer, written by Sunil Gupta, a former superintendent of Tihar Jail, and journalist-author Sunetra Choudhury.
The series marks the acting debut of Zahan Kapoor, the grandson of legendary actor Shashi Kapoor. Zahan plays a key role in the show, which delves into the intense and often harrowing world inside one of India’s most notorious jails. The cast also includes seasoned actors Rahul Bhat, Paramvir Singh Cheema, Anurag Thakur, and Sidhant Gupta, who bring to life the gripping characters of both jailers and inmates.
Set to premiere on Netflix on January 10, 2025, Black Warrant promises to explore the complex relationships, emotional turmoil, and the hard realities of prison life. The show gives viewers a look into the life and challenges faced by those in power and those confined behind bars, offering a fresh and compelling perspective on the world of crime, punishment, and justice.
The trailer has already generated considerable buzz, with fans eagerly awaiting the series’ release. With Motwane’s signature storytelling and a talented ensemble cast, Black Warrant is set to become a must-watch show for fans of intense drama and thrillers.