Indian cricketer Nitish Kumar Reddy, known for his remarkable performance in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy in Australia, recently shared a deeply spiritual moment as he climbed the 3550 steps of the ancient Tirupati temple on his knees. The video, which he posted on his Instagram story late Monday night, quickly went viral, showing the 21-year-old all-rounder using his hands to pull himself up as he made the arduous climb from Alipiri to Tirumala in Andhra Pradesh.
The traditional route, believed to be taken by devotees to fulfill their vows, spans 12 km and is considered a physically challenging journey. Nitish was also seen smiling as he stood at the top of the temple stairs, a symbol of the fulfillment of his spiritual journey.
Nitish’s spiritual journey comes on the heels of his impressive cricket performance in Australia, where he emerged as one of India’s standout players during the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. Despite being relatively new to red-ball cricket, Nitish played all five Tests and scored 298 runs, becoming India’s second-highest scorer in the series. His highlight moment came at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, where he scored his maiden Test century with a stunning 114 runs.
In addition to his batting, Nitish contributed with the ball, taking five wickets across 44 overs, with a best figure of 2 for 32. His strong showing in the series earned him a spot in India’s T20I squad for the upcoming five-match series against England, starting January 22.