In a recent operation, the Government Railway Police (GRP) in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, dismantled a well-structured gang of mobile phone thieves who operated with corporate-like efficiency. The gang leader, 35-year-old Manoj Mandal, along with his associates—19-year-old Karan Kumar and his 15-year-old brother—were apprehended near Gorakhpur railway station. Authorities recovered 44 stolen mobile phones valued at over Rs.10 lakh, as well as a firearm and a knife used to intimidate victims.
What sets this gang apart is their organizational structure. Mandal recruited youths from his village in Sahebganj, offering them a fixed monthly salary of Rs.15,000, irrespective of their success in thefts. Additionally, members received free food and travel allowances for outstation assignments. New recruits underwent a three-month training period, during which they were assigned minor theft targets. Successful candidates were then inducted into the gang with full benefits.
The gang specialized in stealing mobile phones from crowded railway stations and marketplaces. The stolen devices were then trafficked across borders to Nepal and Bangladesh, where they were sold at 30 to 40% of their original price, making them difficult to trace.
The revelation of this gang’s corporate-like operations has amused social media users. Many have humorously remarked on the gang’s structured approach, with some jestingly inquiring about job openings. One user commented, “Better organised than most of the registered companies,” while another quipped, “Do they have openings??”
This incident highlights the evolving nature of organized crime, where illicit activities are being managed with professional efficiency, blurring the lines between corporate management and criminal operations.