Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated the Rs.12,000 crore Namo Bharat Rapid Rail Transit System (RRTS) corridor, marking a significant step in enhancing Delhi’s transportation network. The new project, part of the ambitious Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut corridor, is set to provide the national capital with its first rapid transit train, improving connectivity with neighboring regions. PM Modi also launched several other developmental projects, furthering the Centre’s infrastructure push ahead of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections.
Among the key projects unveiled was the first stretch of the Delhi Metro Phase-IV, connecting Janakpuri to Krishna Park at an estimated cost of Rs.1,200 crore. This extension is expected to benefit residents of West Delhi, easing commute times. The Prime Minister also laid the foundation for the 26.5 km Rithala-Kundli section of Phase-IV, valued at Rs.6,230 crore, which will enhance links between North-West Delhi and Haryana.
Delhi Chief Minister Atishi lauded the event, calling the capital’s transportation system a “model” for India and the world. She also celebrated the extension of the Magenta Line and the introduction of rapid transit connectivity.
However, political controversy simmered over the timing of the inauguration. Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit criticized the event for taking place before the implementation of the moral code of conduct for the Delhi elections, while BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla dismissed the criticism as baseless.
In addition to transport projects, PM Modi also laid the foundation for a new state-of-the-art building for the Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CARI) in Rohini, a Rs.185 crore project aimed at bolstering India’s healthcare infrastructure.
Traffic advisories have been issued ahead of the event to ensure smooth travel for commuters.