In a blistering attack on the Delhi government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday criticized the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and its leadership, accusing them of plunging the national capital into a state of “disaster” over the past decade. Addressing a public meeting at Ashok Vihar’s Ramlila Ground, Modi took aim at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and the AAP administration, calling them “kattar beimaan” (bigoted dishonest) for leading Delhi into what he termed an “aapda” (disaster).
The prime minister specifically targeted the AAP’s failure to deliver on the promises made by the party, particularly regarding the city’s development. “These people used to talk about Delhi’s progress… Ye AAP, ye ‘aapda’, Delhi par aayi hai,” Modi remarked, asserting that the people of Delhi have now made it their mission to rid the city of this “disaster” in the upcoming 2025 Delhi assembly elections.
Further emphasizing his criticism of the AAP-led government, Modi accused them of corruption, stating, “First the theft, and then the arrogance… this AAP has come to Delhi.” He also expressed frustration with the state of the Yamuna River, questioning the government’s lack of action and dismissing its claims that cleaning the river wouldn’t win votes. “What kind of aapda is this, they say that cleaning Yamuna won’t get them votes—will you leave Yamuna like this if it doesn’t get you votes?” Modi asked.
The prime minister highlighted the achievements of his own government, particularly in terms of housing for the poor, asserting that he had provided over 4 crore houses for the underprivileged, contrasting this with his own choice not to build a house for himself. “I could have built a palace for myself, but I chose to build homes for the poor,” Modi said.
Modi also shared plans to address Delhi’s traffic congestion, stating that his government has already agreed to several proposals made by Delhi legislators on how to alleviate the problem. Looking ahead to the 2025 elections, he vowed to bring a new direction to Delhi’s governance, urging the public to “remove the disaster” and bring in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Earlier in the day, PM Modi inaugurated 1,675 newly constructed flats for slum dwellers and handed over keys to beneficiaries at the Swabhiman Apartments in Ashok Vihar.