Actor and producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas has joined the Oscar-shortlisted short film Anuja as an executive producer. The film, set in New Delhi, is among the 15 films selected in the prestigious Live Action Short category by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS).
Anuja, directed by Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai, explores the life of a talented nine-year-old girl named Anuja. The story follows Anuja as she faces a difficult decision between pursuing an education and working in a factory alongside her sister, with the choice set to impact their futures.
Produced by two-time Academy Award winner Guneet Monga and Mindy Kaling, the film stars Sajda Pathan and Ananya Shanbhag. With the involvement of Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Anuja has garnered significant attention, positioning itself as a strong contender in this year’s Oscar race.
This collaboration highlights Priyanka’s commitment to supporting meaningful, impactful projects while amplifying diverse voices in the global film industry.