Ram Charan and Kiara Advani’s recent political thriller Game Changer has fallen victim to piracy just days after its release. The film, which hit theatres on January 10, was aired on a local TV channel only five days later, sparking outrage from its producer, Sreenivas Kumar, also known as SKN. The producer has demanded urgent and strict action against the culprits behind the leak.
Pirated Version Telecasted on Local Channels
On Wednesday evening, SKN shared a post on his X (formerly Twitter) account, highlighting that a local cable channel and buses had telecasted a pirated version of Game Changer. In his post, SKN expressed his anger, saying that someone had illegally aired the film, which had just released a few days earlier.
Screenshots of the broadcast circulated online, further fueling the outrage.
SKN wrote, “This is unacceptable. The telecasting of a film that was released just 4-5 days ago on local cable channels and buses raises serious concerns.” He pointed out that cinema is not just the work of actors, directors, or producers but the result of years of hard work from thousands of people involved in the making of the film. He also highlighted the negative impact this illegal airing could have on distributors and exhibitors, whose livelihoods depend on the film’s success.
A Call for Collective Action
SKN called for a collective stand against such piracy, urging the government to take strict actions. He emphasized that piracy not only affects filmmakers but also undermines the efforts of everyone in the film industry. “It’s time for respected governments to step up and take strict action to put an end to this. Let’s all unite and stand firm to protect and ensure a better future for cinema,” he wrote, ending his post with the hashtag #SaveTheCinema.
A Strong Opening, But Mixed Reviews
Game Changer had a strong opening at the box office but has since seen its momentum taper off, despite receiving mixed-to-positive reviews from critics. The film has crossed ₹100 crores in India so far. However, the situation took a darker turn when someone leaked a high-definition print of the film online even before its release, revealing key plot details to the public. Producer Dil Raju had already filed a complaint with the cyber police about the piracy and the extortion attempts related to the leak.
This incident highlights the growing concern over piracy’s impact on the Indian film industry.
The producers of Game Changer have made it clear that they will not ignore such actions and will actively protect the industry from illegal activities.