Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan became the victim of a violent attack on Thursday, when an intruder allegedly entered his Bandra residence and stabbed him multiple times. The shocking incident occurred in the early hours of the morning, sparking widespread concern and media coverage. As Mumbai Police intensify their investigation, the actor has shown signs of recovery following emergency surgery.
Attack and Immediate Aftermath
Around 2:00 AM on Thursday, Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his 12th-floor apartment at the ‘Satguru Sharan’ building. The assailant reportedly attempted a robbery but escalated to violence when Saif intervened. The intruder used a wooden stick and a long Hexa blade to attack the actor, causing multiple stab wounds, including a severe injury to Khan’s thoracic spinal cord. The incident was witnessed by a nanny in the household, who later reported the attacker demanding ₹1 crore before he attacked Saif.
Upon hearing the screams, Saif’s wife, Kareena Kapoor, rushed to his aid. The actor, who had been badly injured, was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai for urgent medical attention. Doctors confirmed that Saif had suffered a major spinal injury from the knife, which was lodged in his spine. The actor underwent surgery to remove a 2.5-inch blade and repair his leaking spinal fluid.
Recovery and Shift from ICU
By Friday morning, Saif Ali Khan was reported to be out of the ICU and showed significant improvement. Dr. Nitin Dange, the chief neurosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital, shared that Saif had walked well post-surgery and was now stable. However, the actor was advised to take full rest, and his movements were restricted for a week to allow proper healing.
Dr. Dange emphasized the severity of the attack, noting the challenges Saif faced due to the spinal injury. “Looking at his vital parameters and the healing process, he is safe to be shifted out of ICU. However, he must continue to take precautions during his recovery,” Dr. Dange said.
CCTV Evidence and Ongoing Investigation
In the wake of the attack, CCTV footage from the building surfaced, showing the suspect fleeing the scene. The footage captured the intruder’s face, which allowed the police to begin their search for the assailant. Authorities revealed that the suspect, seen wearing a brown T-shirt and a red scarf, was spotted near the Bandra Railway Station. Police believe he might have escaped on a local train heading towards Vasai-Virar, prompting a manhunt in those areas.
Mumbai Police have formed 20 specialized teams to track down the intruder. They are utilizing technical data, including mobile phone activity in the area during the time of the attack, to aid their investigation. The police have also recovered a portion of the knife that was used in the assault, though part of it remains unaccounted for.
Saif Ali Khan’s Family and the Impact
At the time of the attack, Saif’s wife Kareena Kapoor and their two children, Jeh and Taimur, were present in the apartment, along with their household staff. The emotional toll on the family is immense, but Saif’s condition has reportedly stabilized, providing some relief to his loved ones and fans.
The violent nature of the incident has drawn public attention, with many expressing their shock and support for the actor. Celebrities and fans alike have shared messages of solidarity with Saif Ali Khan and his family, hoping for a swift recovery.
Saif Ali Khan’s ordeal serves as a reminder of the dangers of personal security, even in the comfort of one’s own home. While the police continue their efforts to apprehend the intruder, Saif’s recovery remains the primary focus. With a promising health update, fans and family are hopeful that the actor will make a full recovery. The case is still under investigation, and authorities are working diligently to bring the perpetrator to justice.