Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan faced a harrowing ordeal when an intruder attacked him in the early hours of Thursday at his Bandra apartment in Mumbai. The incident, initially suspected to be a burglary attempt, left the actor with multiple stab wounds. He underwent emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital and is now reported to be out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
The Incident
The attack occurred at Saif’s 12th-floor residence in the luxurious ‘Satguru Sharan’ building, where he lives with his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, their two sons, Taimur (8) and Jeh (4), and five house helps. The armed intruder, reportedly carrying a wooden stick and a long Hexa blade, entered the building undetected and attacked Saif around 2 a.m.
Jeh’s nanny, Philip, was the first to encounter the attacker, who allegedly demanded ₹1 crore. According to her statement to the police, the intruder warned her to remain silent. Hearing her screams, Saif and Kareena rushed out of their bedroom, only for Saif to be attacked with a knife.
Saif Ali Khan’s Condition
Saif Ali Khan sustained six stab injuries, including one to his thoracic spinal cord. Chief neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange, who led the surgical team, revealed that a 2.5-inch knife lodged in his spine was removed during surgery, and his leaking spinal fluid was repaired.
On Friday morning, Dr. Dange confirmed that Saif’s condition had improved. “He is safe to be shifted out of the ICU. He walked well under observation but needs rest and restricted movement for a week,” Dr. Dange said.
The Investigation
Mumbai Police have launched an extensive investigation, forming 20 teams to track the intruder. CCTV footage from the building revealed the suspect fleeing around 2:33 a.m., armed with a stick and blade. The suspect, wearing a brown T-shirt and red scarf, was last seen near Bandra Railway Station. Police believe he may have taken a local train towards Vasai-Virar.
Jeh’s nanny described the attacker as a man between 35-40 years old. Police are also analyzing technical data, including mobile phone activity in the area during the incident. A portion of the blade removed from Saif’s back has been taken into custody, and efforts are underway to recover the remaining fragment.
Public Reaction and Security Measures
The attack has sparked widespread concern about safety, especially among high-profile residents in Mumbai. The building’s security measures are under scrutiny, as the intruder did not force entry but likely sneaked in during the night.
Mumbai Police have intensified patrolling in Bandra and nearby areas while tapping into their informer network. The search has extended to Vasai, Nallasopara, and Virar regions, with the suspect still at large.
The Road to Recovery
Saif Ali Khan’s family has received an outpouring of support from fans and colleagues in the industry. While the actor’s injuries were severe, his medical team is optimistic about his recovery. He is expected to resume normal activities after a week of rest and observation.
As the investigation progresses, Mumbai Police are determined to bring the attacker to justice. This shocking incident has highlighted the need for stringent security measures, even in upscale residential areas. Fans of Saif Ali Khan can take solace in the fact that the actor is recovering and surrounded by his family during this challenging time.
Stay tuned for further updates as authorities work to resolve this case.