Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, 54, was stabbed multiple times during a burglary attempt at his Mumbai residence in the early hours of Thursday. The assailant entered the actor’s Bandra home around 2:30 a.m., leading to a confrontation with the household staff. Khan intervened to protect his domestic help and was subsequently attacked.
Following the incident, Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery to treat six stab wounds, including two deep injuries near his spine. Medical professionals have reported that he is now out of danger and recovering well.
In the aftermath, Khan’s children from his first marriage, Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan, arrived at Lilavati Hospital to visit their father. Both siblings were seen entering the hospital premises without speaking to the media.
The Mumbai Police have initiated an investigation into the incident. Authorities suspect that the intruder may have been familiar with the household staff, as the assailant managed to gain entry into the residence. The police are examining CCTV footage and have detained several individuals for questioning.
This incident has raised concerns about security measures in Mumbai, especially in areas housing prominent figures. Residents are calling for enhanced safety protocols to prevent such breaches in the future.
Saif Ali Khan, a renowned actor in the Indian film industry, has appeared in numerous films and is celebrated for his contributions to cinema. His family has expressed gratitude for the support and well-wishes received during this challenging time.
As investigations continue, authorities urge the public to refrain from speculation and allow the police to conduct a thorough inquiry into the matter.