Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has officially announced that his upcoming action-thriller film, “King,” will be helmed by acclaimed director Siddharth Anand. This marks their second collaboration following the phenomenal success of the 2023 spy action movie “Pathaan.”
The announcement also confirms that Sujoy Ghosh, who was initially reported to direct “King,” is no longer associated with the project. With Siddharth Anand on board, expectations for “King” have skyrocketed.
A Star-Studded Cast
“King” is set to feature an ensemble cast, including Abhishek Bachchan and Suhana Khan (marking her prominent role alongside her father), in pivotal roles. The film is expected to combine intense action sequences with intricate character development, showcasing Shah Rukh Khan in a gripping, grey-shaded role reminiscent of his performances in “Don.”
Production Timeline and Expectations
Filming for “King” is scheduled to commence in March 2025, with a planned release date in 2026. Known for his expertise in crafting high-octane action films, Siddharth Anand’s previous works, including “War” and “Bang Bang!”, have solidified his reputation as a master of the genre.
Following the massive success of “Pathaan,” which broke box office records globally, fans are eager to witness the reunion of Siddharth Anand and Shah Rukh Khan. The film promises to push boundaries in storytelling and cinematic spectacle, making it one of the most anticipated releases of the decade.
With a stellar cast and proven director at the helm, “King” aims to deliver an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Source: Web Team, C6N