In a rare gesture, the Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena (UBT) has praised Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis for his initiatives aimed at developing the Naxal-affected district of Gadchiroli. During his New Year’s Eve visit, Fadnavis unveiled significant infrastructure projects and witnessed the surrender of 11 Naxalites, signaling a potential turning point for the region.
Referring to the CM as “Deva Bhau,” the Shiv Sena (UBT) acknowledged his efforts in building roads, bridges, and establishing key police posts in areas once dominated by Maoists. Among the unveiled projects was a 32-km road linking Gatta, Gardewada, and Wangeturi, along with bus services to improve connectivity.
Fadnavis expressed optimism about the future, emphasizing the government’s commitment to eradicating Naxalism. “This region, which once lacked basic roads, is now on the path of transformation,” he said.
The editorial in Saamana, the Shiv Sena (UBT)’s mouthpiece, highlighted Fadnavis’ potential to bring a positive change to tribal lives in Gadchiroli. However, it also stressed the importance of translating these plans into tangible outcomes to truly initiate a new chapter of development.
The praise comes shortly after Uddhav Thackeray met Fadnavis during the State Assembly’s Winter Session. While ties between the BJP and Shiv Sena fractured in 2019, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut clarified that the acknowledgment stems from the government’s commendable work, particularly in facilitating the surrender of Naxalites. “We welcome this progress, but as opposition, we will continue raising other critical issues,” Raut asserted.
Reacting to the rare accolade, Fadnavis simply remarked, “It’s good. Thank you,” as per PTI.