The eagerly awaited film directed by SS Rajamouli, featuring Mahesh Babu in the lead role, was officially launched in Hyderabad on Thursday with a traditional pooja ceremony. Tentatively titled SSMB 29 to mark Mahesh’s 29th film, the event saw the presence of Rajamouli, Mahesh Babu, costume designer, and Rajamouli’s wife, Rama, along with other key members of the team.
Excitement surrounding the film is palpable, with fans expressing their enthusiasm over the launch. Mahesh, who is known for his dedication, trained rigorously for the role and kept his look under wraps to surprise audiences once filming begins.
The launch was a significant moment for fans, who unearthed an old tweet from Mahesh Babu dating back to 2010, where he expressed his excitement about working with Rajamouli. This long-awaited collaboration was met with anticipation as the pooja ceremony marked the official commencement of the project.
SSMB 29 promises to be an action-adventure drama, with some comparisons to the legendary Indiana Jones. Rajamouli has remained tight-lipped about the specifics, although his father, writer Vijayendra Prasad, has hinted at the film’s adventurous storyline. Additionally, Rajamouli’s recent location recce in Kenya suggests that a portion of the film will be shot there.
While filming was initially scheduled to begin in mid-2024, delays in pre-production have pushed the timeline. There have also been rumors surrounding Priyanka Chopra’s involvement in the film. While some sources have confirmed her participation, others have brushed off the reports as mere speculation. An official confirmation is still awaited.
Rajamouli, who last directed the globally acclaimed RRR in 2022, continues to build anticipation for SSMB 29. Meanwhile, Mahesh Babu’s previous release, Guntur Kaaram, received mixed reviews, leaving fans eager for his next big project under Rajamouli’s direction.