Suriya, fresh off his action fantasy film Kanguva, which failed to meet box office expectations, is all set to begin 2025 with a bang. On New Year’s Day, the talented actor shared an exciting update about his next project, Retro, directed by Karthik Subbaraj. Taking to his X account, Suriya posted a striking new poster of the gangster drama, creating buzz among his fans.
The poster features Suriya looking effortlessly stylish in a sea blue jacket paired with jeans, as he stands confidently beside a car in an open field. The image exudes a cool, laid-back vibe, with Suriya gazing ahead, adding an air of mystery and intrigue to the film’s character. The poster is captioned with a heartwarming message: “Happy 2025! Lots of love, lots of light, and lots of happiness! #RETRO.”
Retro is set to be a significant film in Suriya’s career, and anticipation is building as it marks his 44th film. Directed by Karthik Subbaraj, known for his previous works like Jigarthanda and Petta, the film is expected to showcase a thrilling narrative, blending crime and drama in a unique style.
Fans are eager to see what Suriya brings to the table next, especially after Kanguva’s underperformance. With Retro, Suriya is looking to reclaim his position as one of the top stars in Tamil cinema.
As the year kicks off, Suriya’s Retro is already high on the radar of moviegoers, with its intriguing premise and stylish first look.