A tragic helicopter crash occurred on Sunday in Porbandar, Gujarat, when an Indian Coast Guard Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) Dhruv went down during a routine training mission. The crash, which took place at the Coast Guard Air Enclave, resulted in the deaths of all three individuals on board, including two pilots.
According to officials, the helicopter experienced technical difficulties that led to the crash. The Indian Coast Guard has confirmed the fatalities and launched an investigation into the incident. Authorities are awaiting further details as the investigation progresses.
This crash comes amid ongoing concerns regarding the safety of the ALH fleet. The Dhruv helicopters, designed and manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), have faced a series of accidents in the past, which raised questions about their airworthiness. A significant safety upgrade was recently completed on the fleet, including improvements to the control system, which were expected to enhance flight safety.
This is not the first such incident involving the Dhruv helicopters in the region. In September 2024, another ALH Mk-III crashed into the Arabian Sea near Porbandar during a medical evacuation mission. Following that accident, the Coast Guard had grounded the ALH fleet temporarily for a safety inspection, particularly focusing on the helicopter’s flying controls and transmission system.
The Coast Guard continues to operate a fleet of 16 Dhruv helicopters, which have been crucial in various rescue operations, including recent flood relief efforts in Gujarat. Further updates on the current crash are expected as the investigation unfolds.