In a historic move, Rajan Singh, a transgender candidate from the Aam Janata Party (AJP), has filed their nomination for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, where they will contest the Kalkaji seat. Kalkaji is one of the most high-profile constituencies in the capital, currently held by Delhi Chief Minister Atishi of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Atishi had earlier submitted her nomination papers on Tuesday.
Rajan Singh, who is determined to make a mark in the political landscape, faces strong competition in the high-stakes Kalkaji seat. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has fielded former Lok Sabha MP Ramesh Bidhuri, while the Congress has nominated Alka Lamba, a former AAP member who now leads the national women’s wing of the Congress.
Kalkaji is a vibrant constituency with 1,94,515 eligible voters, including 1,06,893 males, 87,617 females, and five transgender voters. The assembly elections in Delhi will take place on February 5, and the results will be announced on February 8. Since December 2013, the AAP has held power in the city-state.
Who is Rajan Singh?
Rajan Singh, a 27-year-old from Bihar, has emerged as a prominent figure in the transgender community, especially for their leadership role in the “National Transgender Welfare Council.” Singh currently resides in Sangam Vihar, Delhi, and is enrolled as a voter there.
Singh made their first foray into the electoral arena during last year’s Lok Sabha elections, where they contested from the South Delhi constituency as an independent. Although they secured only around 300 votes, Singh’s presence marked an important step in representing marginalized communities. The South Delhi seat was eventually won by BJP’s Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, the same candidate who is now contesting from Kalkaji.
According to the affidavit Singh submitted to the Election Commission, they possess assets worth Rs.92.35 lakh, including Rs.10,000 in cash, 1,300 grams of gold valued at Rs.92 lakh, and Rs.25,000 in bank deposits. This marks a notable increase in assets from last year’s affidavit, where Singh reported assets worth Rs.15.1 lakh, including 200 grams of gold valued at Rs.14 lakh, Rs.1 lakh in cash, and Rs.10,382 in bank deposits.
Singh’s candidacy represents a significant moment in the political arena, as they aim to challenge entrenched political forces while advocating for the rights and inclusion of the transgender community. With the elections fast approaching, all eyes will be on Kalkaji as this dynamic contest unfolds.