Pune: Authorities arrested two individuals in connection with the murder of Santosh Deshmukh, the sarpanch of Massajog, who allegedly intervened in an extortion plot targeting a wind energy project in Beed. Police apprehended the suspects, Sudarshan Chandrabhan Ghule, 26, and Sudhir Dnyanoba Sangale, 23, in Pune on Saturday, officials confirmed.
The arrests come after the surrender of another suspect in a separate extortion case earlier this week. This individual voluntarily turned himself in to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Pune.
Beed police believe that Ghule masterminded Deshmukh’s murder, and they have handed both him and Sangale over to the CID for further investigation. The breakthrough came after the police interrogated Dr. Sambhaji Waybhase, who provided crucial information leading to the identification and arrest of the suspects.
Deshmukh, who was a former sarpanch, reportedly intervened to prevent an extortion attempt on Avaada Energy, a company managing a windmill project in the area. Investigators allege that Valmik Karad, an associate of Minister Dhananjay Munde, attempted to extort ₹2 crore from the company’s officials.
Vishnu Chate, a suspect in the extortion case, disclosed details of a conversation between Karad and the project manager, which, along with further information from Waybhase, led authorities to Ghule and Sangale.
Deputy Superintendent of Police Anil Gujar is overseeing the investigation, and the CID has remanded the suspects to custody. Karad remains in custody after surrendering to the CID on December 31. The police have filed an FIR under various sections of the Bharati Nyay Sanhita against the arrested suspects, excluding Karad.