Renowned Kannada actor R. Vijaykumar, popularly known as Sarigama Viji, passed away at the age of 77. The actor, beloved for his roles in Kannada cinema and his work in theater, died on Wednesday morning after battling a lung infection. His son, Rohit, confirmed the news to PTI, sharing that the actor had been receiving treatment at Manipal Hospital in Malleswaram before succumbing to multiple organ failure.
Rohit explained that the family initially mistook his father’s illness for a seasonal infection, but the situation rapidly worsened over the past week, leading to his death at approximately 9:30 AM. Sarigama Viji’s passing has left a void in the Kannada entertainment industry, where both the screen and stage cherished him.
Sarigama Viji made his film debut in 1975 with Beluvalada Madilalli. Over the course of his career, he acted in 269 Kannada films, and his contributions to the industry extended beyond acting. He worked as an assistant director on nearly 80 films, showcasing his versatility and deep understanding of the craft.
However, Viji is perhaps best remembered for his outstanding work in theater. He gained immense recognition for his role in the stage play Samsaradalli Sarigama, a production he directed and acted in. His theater group, Yashasvi, performed this play over 1,390 times, not just in Bengaluru but also in major cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, and Mumbai. The play’s popularity and impact reflect the deep affection audiences had for Viji’s work.
After his death, his family made arrangements for his fans and admirers to pay their respects. Viji’s body will be on display at his residence in Mahalakshmipuram until 10 PM tonight. Tomorrow, the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce will host a public viewing at Ravindra Kalakshetra from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, allowing fans and colleagues to honor the late actor. The family will conduct his final rites at the Chamarajpet Crematorium around noon on Thursday.
Sarigama Viji’s legacy in both Kannada cinema and theater remains impactful, and his passing marks the end of an era for the state’s film industry and theater community. Those who had the privilege of working with him and the fans whose lives he touched will remember his immense contributions to the arts.